Explore Counselling And Therapy Services

Trauma Therapy in Langley, BC


Mental Health Counselling Services

I help people heal and live a thriving life. What does thriving look like? Feeling alive, empowered and living a life of authenticity. Feeling the relief and joy that comes from a balanced nervous system. Thriving is a life of your chosen balance with loving and nurturing relationships.


  • Somatic Experiencing Trauma Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
  • Gottman Couples Therapy (Level 1 and 2)
  • Emotion Focused Family Therapy
  • Imagery Healing (for ancestral and past life clearing)


How I can support you . . .

  • Trauma
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Psychosis
  • Sexual Assault
  • Childhood, adolescent or adult abuse
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Emotional dysregulation
  • Relationship conflict and disconnection
  • Intergenerational cultural issues
  • Relationship conflict and disconnect
  • Living in multi-generational families
  • Coping with in-laws
  • Setting boundaries with loved ones
  • Newly awakening individuals
  • Ancestral and past life trauma 
  • Ascension symptoms
  • Womb clearing
  • Heart opening

Challenges and Struggles

Have you felt any of these symptoms?

Session Types

In individual therapy we will explore your patterns and where they may be stemming from. We’ll also dive into emotions and anywhere where stuckness is occuring. You’ll learn many practical tools to cope and individualised practices to apply to your daily life. 

It’s important to note that healing is a journey. How many sessions you need will depend upon your goals. 

Individual sessions can be booked for either 50 or 80 minutes. A first session feels like a conversation in which we get to know one another and build rapport. We will also set therapeutic goals to guide the healing journey. I then tailor sessions based around your therapeutic goals. Some of the modalities that I’ll be drawing from include CBT, DBT, Mindfulness approaches and Somatic Experiencing for trauma.  

Individual sessions

Individual Therapy

Relationships are the cornerstone of our lives. In couples therapy I provide evidence-based interventions primarily from a Gottman Institute therapy framework. Our sessions will explore any stuck relational patterns, causes of disconnection, communication patterns and repair relationship ruptures. You’ll be introduced to tools to apply outside of therapy to deepen your connection. And to experience more love in your relationship. 

Couples therapy can help:
  • Transition into parenting
  • Strategies to repair and manage conflict
  • Learn tools to regulate intense emotions
  • Develop tools for more connection in your relationship
  • Learn new strategies to cope with in-laws and extended family
  • Feel more support in your relationship
  • Explore and support uncoupling if that’s what’s decided

Couples sessions

Couples Therapy

How many sessions will I need?

What does a session look like?

How will this help me?

We do this to help resolve any trauma from past lives, ancestral trauma in your lineage or undetected blocks in your physical body. Healing these issues can immediately create a beneficial shift in your present day life.

Imagery healing is an ancient spiritual tool that can be used to access and heal the root of your present day struggles. Spiritual Masters have taught for eons that we exist in realms beyond this one. That only one aspect of you is here in any given lifetime.

The other aspects of you exist concurrently even though most of us don’t see these aspects. You may call this your soul, higher self, spirit. Quantum Imagery Healing taps into this other aspect of you. 

What is Quantum Imagery Healing?

Quantum Imagery Healing

In an imagery session we often balance or heal the underlying cause of an issue. In essence, we remove any burdens of the past from your energy fields. You may even deeply connect with the higher self for guidance. Clients have shared after a session the results of therapy or other healing modalities have quickened. 

Some changes other clients have experienced:

  • no longer feeling burdened or heavy
  • feeling alive again
  • thinking patterns change
  • feeling at peace in day-to-day life
  • the end of an unhelpful behaviour
  • no longer ruminating on old patterns
  • restored everyday ability to connect with the higher self 
  • restored connection to themselves
  • deep connection to Mother Earth and nature
  • intuition and heart opening
  • moving beyond grief after death of a loved one
  • resolution with deceased loved ones

How will this help me?

Quantum Imagery Healing

When the process feels complete, I guide us back into the room. We then process what occurred. I’ll provide suggestions on tools to integrate what arose in your daily life.

Step Four:

I guide you to access these images in your field. You get to choose what you want to explore. We then journey wherever you need in order to access healing. No journey is the same.

Step Three:

I create a field of oneness where I guide you into your inner heart space. Here I use my intuitive abilities to read your energy fields and see/sense the images arising.

Step Two:

I guide you into a relaxed state through a guided meditation. The quantum is more readily accessed when we are relaxed. During the session our eyes are closed and you are fully conscious and aware. We are also speaking to one another the entire session.

Step One:

What does a session look like?

Quantum Imagery Healing

What does a session look like?

How will this help me?

What is Quantum Imagery Healing?

Typically we book one session of imagery healing. If you wish to have another session, I recommend waiting a few months to allow the changes from the first one to integrate prior to booking. By doing this you may find a subsequent session isn’t needed.

How many sessions will I need?

Quantum Imagery Healing

How many sessions will I need?

What does a session look like?

What does intuitive healing help with?

Intuitive healing is a combination of intuition, psychic gifts and spirituality. In an intuitive healing session, I receive spiritual guidance specific to you and help you connect to your Higher Power, Life Force Energy or Higher Self. 

Intuitive healing can help resolve trauma from past lives, ancestral trauma in your lineage or blocks in your physical body. Intuitive healing provides deeper insight than cognition can. You’ll also learn strategies to navigate difficulties in your present life. My hope during an intuitive healing session is that you leave knowing what brings you joy as well as your value in this world. 

What is Intuitive Healing?

Intuitive Healing with Farah

Intuitive healing can help with: 

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Attachment difficulties 
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Emotional distress
  • General life challenges
  • Spiritual symptoms
  • Inner child trauma
  • Ancestral trauma
  • Past life trauma

What does intuitive healing help with?

Intuitive Healing with Farah

I provide practical guidance around what arises in our healing session.

Step Four:

I provide hands on or hands over healing to help calm the nervous system and to help clear energetic blocks in your body and energy systems. 

Step Three:

I tune into your energetic field to uncover energetic imbalances. I’ll share these with you and you can ask questions while I do this. 

Step Two:

Foster a safe space where we have a conversation around your goals of the session.

Step One:

What does a session look like?

Intuitive Healing with Farah

What does a session look like?

What is Intuitive Healing?

Intuitive healing with Farah

Typically we book one session of intuitive healing. If you wish to have another session, I recommend waiting a few weeks minimum to allow the changes from the first one to integrate prior to booking another session. By doing this, you may find a subsequent session is required. 

How many sessions will I need?

Intuitive Healing with Farah

50 minute Individual Session: $150 plus GST
80 minute Individual or Couples Session: $200 plus GST
80-90 minute Quantum Imagery Session: $222 plus GST
Monthly Group Imagery Meditation: By donation


Begin your journey!


You have the option to book a complimentary 15 minute phone consultation prior to scheduling an appointment. Fit is important in therapy and this gives us an opportunity to see if I’d be a good fit for your therapeutic goals.


Please fill out the consultation form. I’ll get back to you within 24-48 hours.


The Process

Read more testimonials

Kind Words

"I am thrilled to have the opportunity to write a testimonial for Parm, the incredible counsellor who has been by my side for the past two years. Parm has been an absolute blessing in my life, providing unwavering support and guidance during some of the most challenging periods I have faced. Her ability to deliver culturally sensitive counselling, particularly as a South Asian woman myself, has made all the difference in my therapeutic journey.

From the moment I first met Parm, I knew I had found someone who truly understood and appreciated the nuances of my background and experiences. Her deep respect for my cultural identity created a safe and inclusive space where I felt comfortable expressing my thoughts and emotions. Parm skillfully navigated the intersectionality of my identity, acknowledging the unique challenges I faced as a South Asian woman in various aspects of my life.



"Throughout our time together, Parm has been a pillar of support as I made significant transitions in my life. From navigating the complexities of university life to the demanding journey of law school, she has been there every step of the way. Parm's insightful guidance helped me begin processing trauma, develop coping strategies, manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance. She tailored her approach to suit my individual needs, ensuring that her counsel was effective and relevant to my specific circumstances.

I wholeheartedly recommend Parm to anyone in need of a compassionate, culturally sensitive counsellor. Her ability to establish a deep connection, coupled with her professional expertise, creates an environment where healing and growth can flourish. Parm's commitment to helping her clients achieve their goals is evident in her tireless efforts and unwavering dedication."



"To Parm, I am eternally grateful for the profound impact you have had on my life. Your guidance, understanding, and unwavering support have been invaluable. I cannot thank you enough for helping me navigate the complexities of my journey and empowering me to become the best version of myself."

Continued from previous.


“I am so thankful for all the guidance and support I received from Parm. I had a difficult period in my life and it would have been so much worse without having her to talk to. After a few months of regular visits, I am doing so much better in my day-to-day life. I often think about our conversations and Parm's input and am still using ideas and coping strategies taught by her. I wish I went to her sooner!” 


“I have been seeing Parm and have been experiencing wonderful success. She is warm and kind and very compassionate. I am so grateful for her guidance and wisdom.”


“Parm is the best counsellor I’ve ever worked with. The level of compassion and understanding she provides each session to help me navigate life with new diagnoses as an adult with Autism and ADHD have been life changing.

I truly cannot think of what my life would be like without her. She just gets it. And her years of experience and professionalism has helped me not just with mental health, but with navigating life, and letters and forms. She has truly been a blessing.”


“I worked with Parm over the last year, and it has been a truly enriching and healing experience. Parm’s ability to dive deep into the heart space alongside you, and be a safe guide for you to journey into your own heart space, has been a truly healing experience.

After being on my own healing journey for a few years now, the support and space that Parm provided has been such an incredible thing. Healing is a lifelong investment that will return for a very long time; I am grateful to have worked with and continue to work with Parm. The tools, space and her presence has been an incredibly healing experience. 

She has also motivated me to be more honest with myself, my being and my own heart. The counselling services have been equally as incredible. After going through a period of years which required me to reach someone who would provide a safe space and effective therapy, I have benefited greatly from her counselling skills as well. Highly recommend Parm and her services.”


“After a mental illness diagnosis and feeling lost and hopeless about what to do next and how to manage going forward, I was lucky enough to meet Parm. She is not only experienced in the world of psychology and mental health, but she is extremely compassionate and full of empathy. She always has a way of making me feel heard and validated which has restored my sense of normalcy. 

Parm has never failed to create an uplifting and often humorous environment within our sessions. I am grateful for her professionalism and dedication and can say with confidence that Parm has not only taught me many useful skills, but she has thoroughly changed my life.”


“Parm and I were matched up together by fate about a year ago now. It couldn’t have been a better representation of “what’s meant for you, will find you.” I have been working with counsellors since I was 7, and now, finally, I’m 21 and feel like my healing journey has the safest space to begin. Parm is incredibly smart, empathetic and insightful. She has this wonderfully soft way of guiding you to your conclusion and supplying you with so many different realms of knowledge. If you love learning and feel empowered by healing women, Parm will be an excellent addition to your journey.

Parm has helped me understand that therapy doesn’t have to involve trauma dumping. Being open about my experiences can be helpful but isn’t necessary when it comes to her approach to healing. She listens deeply and asks thoughtful questions, helping me to gain new perspectives and insights into my thoughts and feelings."



"While working with Parm I have noticed she puts a lot of thought into how she can tailor our sessions to my experience. This is a unique experience that I have only found with Parm, as previous counsellors would focus on a single technique to work on without introducing other possible methods or solutions. 

Working with Parm has been transformative for me. I have gained a greater understanding of myself, my relationships and my patterns of behavior. I feel better equipped to navigate life's challenges with resilience and self-compassion. I would recommend Parm to someone who is seeking a friendly support towards personal introspection and healing.”

Continued from previous


“I have been seeing Parm for over a year and since then she has helped me tackle my anxiety and overcome obstacles with her therapy and guidance. I have struggled with anxiety my whole life and have seen different counsellors throughout the years, but Parm has been the only one that I have truly connected with and actually stuck with. 

I have felt a significant shift in my mindset with the tools and resources she has provided me and I truly can't say enough good things about the therapy I have received from Parm. I highly recommend her to all my friends and family who are seeking treatment and would encourage anyone struggling with anxiety to work with her. Her counselling style is soothing, calm and effective and feels like you are talking to a friend”


“Parm is an extraordinary blend of empathy, active listening and compassion. With every session she creates a safe and nurturing space where I feel truly heard and understood. Her ability to empathize with my experiences and provide genuine support has been life changing. I am constantly amazed by her capacity to offer insightful guidance and unwavering compassion. Through her remarkable skills she has helped me navigate challenges, heal old wounds and grow into a stronger version of myself.”


I feel blessed to walk alongside people in their journey to heal. I believe that when we heal ourselves and families, we also begin to heal communities and our world for generations to come. I bring my training, experience, character and personality in the room. We meet as equals, with me guiding and supporting you to access your innate ability to heal. It would be an honour for me to walk alongside you on your journey.

I’m grateful to have you here.

About Parm